we, the media

The Hindu gets 'inspired'

Consider this paragraph:
Stone has always made stories about men for whom ordinary life is impossible by accident or by choice. As a storyteller he has long made a habit out of extreme personalities, a preoccupation that during the 1990s was matched by one of the most playfully expressive styles in American mainstream pictures.
Well, it appears in Gautaman Bhaskaran's review of the film Alexander, published Feb 11, 2005. It also appears in Manohla Dargis's review in the New York Times, published November 24, 2004. It's evident who has plagiarised from whom.

I got this information via an excellent expose by Nina from Chennai, in which she also provides many other links that reveal that Gautaman Bhaskaran has been doing this for a long, long time. (Link to Nina via email from Mridula.) Somewhat like what Nikhat Kazmi, another MSM film reviewer, had been doing when Jai Arjun Singh exposed her.

In that case, the Times of India took no action against Kazmi. In this case, one can argue that the Hindu wasn't aware of this until now. Well, let us see what they do.

Cross-posted on India Uncut.

Update: Ravi Ratlami has another expose here.
Apart from the one review I don't remember any other incident of Nikhat Kazmi plagarising so why say she "had been doing" making it seem like a regular practise. She has been a damn neat critic for the past 17 years and if there has been a drop in standards off late it is but natural.
Why do we have to be satisfied only if some heads roll? How can we be sure that TOI has not taken any action against NK? TOI might have taken an action which they would have considered appropriate.
Who are we to decide the exact shape of action?
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